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International Tour, 2023
Updated May 15, 2023

Dates: June 12 - July 1 (yes, the dates have been slightly adjusted) 

Cost: $3,200 per boy

Staff: Francis Stockwell - Artistic Director
           Emily Anderson, Nurse
           Paul Bell, Prefect (also the camp chef) 

Monday, June 12  -  Day 1

8:25 PM Depart Minneapolis 
Condor Air DE 2011  (Booked)
Departs from Terminal 2
Boys meet at Christ Community at 3:00PM

Tuesday, June 13  -  Day 2

Arrive Frankfurt 12:30PM
Travel to Wallduern to Youth Hostel 60 miles (Confirmed)
Arrive Jugendherberge Wallduern 4:30.   (rest, recuperate and acclimatize.)

Your son's name
North Star Boys' Choir
c\o Jugendherberge Wallduern
Auf der Heide 37 
D-74731 Walldeurn

Wednesday, June 14  -  Day 3

Wallduern –  Bonndorf
Arrive at the Guest House.

Move into rooms.

Choir practice. Dinner.


Your son's name

North Star Boys' Choir

c/o Gaestehaus Bonndorf

     Steinabad 1

     D-79848 Bonndorf


Thursday, June 15  -  Day 4
(includes address to write your boys)

 Luzern, Switzerland (172 miles - 2:30 hours)
Jugendherberge Luzern, 
CH-6300 Zug Swizerland


Friday, June 16 - Day 5

Luzern  - Zugerberg
Possible concert in the evening.

Saturday, June 17  -  Day 6

Luzern - Fussen (162 miles - 3 hours)
Accommodations at Fuessen Jugendherberge  (Confirmed)

Sunday, June 18  -  Day 7

Fussen - Neuchwanstein - Munich
Concert with the Youth Choirs of Munich
Accommodation with the Youth Choirs of Munich.

Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o Junge Choere Muenchen
Karlstrasse 34
D-80333 Munich

Monday, June 19   -  Day 8

Spend the day in Augsburg, joint concert with the Singing and Music School of Augsburg
Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o B&B Hotel Augsburg Nord
Diedorfer Str. 1
D-86154 Augsburg,

Tuesday, June 20  -  Day 9

Augsburg to Eichenau   
Catholic Church of The Guardian Angels
Eichenau, Germany


Wednesday, June 21  -  Day 10

update:  Eichenau to Graz (Austria) Guests of the Graz Chapel Choirboys 
Joint Concert at
Church of our Savior 

Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o Grazer Kepellknaben
A-8010 Graz, Austria

Thursday, June 22  -  Day 11

To St. Florian, Austria
Stay with the Florianer Sangerknaben (Confirmed) 
Barbecue, swimming with both choirs, parents and host famlies. Internal concert. Boys to spend the night with St. Florian choirboys and their families.

Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o Magister Wolfgang Gruber
St. Florianer Saengerknaben
Stiftstrasse 1
A-4490 St. Florian

Friday, June 23  - Day 12

St. Florian to Strehla  (Confirmed)
Leave 10:00 AM, Arrive 5:30PM 
Jugendherberge Strehla

Torgauer Str. 33, 01616 Strehla, Germany

Saturday, June 24  - Day 13

 Strehla (sightseeing) 
Concert at Strehlaer Protestant church followed by grill fest
Accommodation: Jugendherberge Strehla

Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o Jugendherberge Strehla
Torgauerstr, 33
D-0161 Strehla, 

Sunday, June 25  - Day 14

travel to Doberlug-Kirchhain
Concert: Eveangelische Kirchengemeinde
Barbecue and return to Strehla

Monday, June 26  - Day 15

Strehla to Suhl (confirmed)
Accomodation Suhler Knabenchor

Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o  Suhler Knabenchore e. V.
Rimbachstrasse 43
D-98527 Suhl

Tuesday, June 27  - Day 16

Concert (Confirmed)

Wednesday, June 28  -  Day 17

 UPDATE: Suhl  day to spend sightseeing and swimming

Thursday, June 29  -  Day 18 

Suhl - Dinkelsbuehl. Travel day
Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o Jugendherberge Dinkelsbuehl
Koppengasse 10
D-91550 Dinkelsbuehl

Friday, June 30  - Day 19

Dinkelsbuehl -  Stuttgart
Concert (confirmed) 8:00PM Joint concert with the Stuttgart Collegium Iuvenum choir

St. Nikolaus Church

Accommodation by host families 

Your Son's Name
North Star Boys' Choir
c/o  Knabenchor Collegium Iuvenum
Landhausstr. 29
D-70190 Stuttgart

Saturday, July 1  -  Day 20

Stuttgart - Frankfort Airport to Minneapolis, USA
3:10 PM Depart Frankfurt by Condor Air DE 2010 (booked)
5:55 PM Arrive Minneapolis, Terminal 2


The North Star Boys' Choir

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PO Box 2283 * Maple Grove, MN *55311
Phone: (763) 221-9466
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