Our Training Program
and sample yearly schedule
The North Star Boys' Choir is an immersive whole-body training program that teaches a boy not only how to sing with stunning beauty, but also how to conduct himself professionally at all times when he is with the choir. This includes conversation with people of all ages, conduct at restaurants, proper behavior at host homes and motels, and appropriate appearance at concerts. We provide a play room where boys can play with each other providing a mental break from singing and build healthy friendships with other boys. Each August, the North Star Boy's Choir provides a week-long (five day) day camp for new boys and a week long sleep away camp for returning boys. This camp provides plenty of active games, body development, crafts as well as singing in preparation for the new choir season. The choir also conducts a yearly "Gym and Swim," an opportunity for boys to build their strength through gym exercises and swimming.
Summer tours are a great time to learn more about the region in which the choir is touring. Whether it is the Mississippi River, Great Americans, the Great Lakes, or international communities, the North Star Boys' Choir strives to give comprehensive music and social training to each boy who enrolls in our program.
The boys' choir season follows the school year, with rehearsals, concerts, and events throughout the season. Here is an example of our standard program each year. Please note: not every event listed here is guaranteed to happen, and other events may take place that are not listed here.
Fall registration night
Open to all boys age 5-12, required for current choir boys
Sign up to be part of this incredible organization! Boys ages 5 to about 7 years old are usually placed in Music Magic choir. Boys starting at age eight and our older new singers are usually placed in Cadet Choir. Based on ability, returning older boys may be invited to join the Viking Choir.
First concerts (Viking Choir)
Possible fund raisers
Fall Festival
Viking Choir may take a day to visit elementary schools and show them what a European-style boy choir sounds like, and invite boys to an upcoming Boys Sing day.
Boys Sing!
Open to all boys age 5-12
We invite boys to spend a half-day with our top choir, including singing, games, pizza, and climbing aboard the choir's tour bus! We may visit a corn maze, or another fall festival type activity.
Christmas concerts
All choirs
The Viking Choir gets invited to sing at events and church services all around the state, usually on the weekends leading up to our main concert. All of the choirs, including choir alumni and dads, participate in our main Christmas concert to wrap up the first half of the choir season.
Viking Choir Epiphany concerts
We finish up the Christmas season with a couple of Epiphany concerts at various locations.
Photo shoot
All choirs
We take individual and group photos of all the boys every year for our commemorative booklet and other promotional materials.
School performances
The Viking Choir may take a day to visit elementary schools and show them what a European-style boy choir sounds like, and invite boys to an upcoming Boys Sing day.
Boys Sing!
Open to all boys age 5-12
We invite boys to spend a half-day with our top choir, including singing, games, pizza, and climbing aboard the choir's tour bus!
Spring concert
All choirs
The boys in Music Magic, Cadet Choir, Viking Choir, and Kantorei show off what they've been learning all year. This is the last concert before the big summer tour.
Summer tour
Viking Choir and Kantorei
Three weeks on the choir's tour bus (or international flight every three years). The boys sing in venues large and small, meeting new people and experiencing new cultures across our country, or around the world! The day after returning home, the boys have an all-day recording session, right when they're sounding their best.
Resident camp
Viking and Cadet Choirs
A week-long choir camp that includes traditional camp activities like swimming, canoeing, and archery, as well as choir rehearsals, lots of amazing food, and fun and games all week. This is definitely a fun week for the boys.
Day camp
Open to all boys age 5-12
A week of singing, games, activities, and fun, capped off with a concert and potluck dinner for families on Friday evening. Includes a swimming day-trip, a day-camp t-shirt, and a ride on the official tour bus!
